Hydraulic door trusses can be internal or external trusses - 39

Hydraulic doors are stron one-piece doors. External or internal trusses make them even stronger and are ideal for high wind conditions and keep doors weathertight.

Some hydraulic door owners prefer to have an internal truss inside their doors. The internal truss gives the outside of your building or aircraft hangar a nice neat look and won’t collect leaves, debris or snow.

Schweiss hydraulic doors have been placed on any size or type building or hangar imaginable. Customers like the two truss designs, strong cylinders, compact, but powerful pump and spherical bearings.

Thre truss on this Schweiss Hydraulic door is barely visible and painted to match the exterior of the door, but yet adds much strength to the door. Schweiss also can place your truss higher up on the door if you prefer. Some order it that way to make snow removal close to the door easier and an elevated truss doesn’t catch debris.