Why customers buy Schweiss Doors

Anyone can tell you what you want to hear about their product and how good it is. But when it comes to investing in a hydraulic or bifold door, whether it be for everyday agricultural, hangar or industrial use or even for something as decorative and functional as a designer door for your residence or […]
(more...)Schweiss is the choice for military, museum and search and rescue hangar doors

When the call goes out to leave the hangar, military and search and rescue teams get right on it, there’s no room for delay. That calls for a dependable, fast operating hangar door — nothing else will do. Schweiss Doors has been specializing in large one-piece hydraulic doors and lift strap bifold hangar and military maintenance shop […]
(more...)Schweiss Door installation is so easy even you can do it, and if you don’t want to, we can assist you

A good percentage of our customers ordering Schweiss hydraulic and bifold doors for their hangars, industrial, residential, commercial or agricultural use prefer to do the installation themselves. This saves them money and mileage costs. If you can read the full set of detailed instructions provided from the factory for each style of door, it is […]