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For Plane Lovers . . . (Part 14 of a 14 part series)

Silverwing 55 X 56 Hangar Residence

Schweiss Doors Help Dreams Come True


This northern Idaho airpark community development project took the extra step to fulfill what many had dreamed of for years. They are just one of a few of Schweiss bifold and hydraulic door customers, and Schweiss Doors had a part in making this dream come true.

Most people in this world feel fortunate if they can wheel up to their driveway, push a button to make their garage door open and then enter into their home.

If you are among the even more fortunate or elite, you might have a hangar home at a scenic mountain airpark where you can taxi your aircraft into a hangar attached to your home.

Such is the case at SilverWing at Sandpoint. This unique fly-in airpark community, set between Schweitzer Ski Mountain and Lake Pend Oreille, one of the West’s largest lakes in northern Idaho, spans over 18 acres adjacent to the Sandpoint, Idaho public airport.

Airpark Hangar Home - Surrounded by the MountainsThe site has an exclusive prototype home for aviators and their families to see and building lots for sale. The development is comprised of 44 spacious lots and 10,000 square feet of community common area with a recreation center to include a pool, spa, exercise room and BBQ area.
SilverWing at Sandpoint was designed for pilots and aviators with direct access to the Sandpoint Airport (SZT) in a beautifully landscaped airpark community. It offers a rare opportunity in aviation real estate just 60 miles from the Canadian border.

A lot of thought went into choosing the 45’ x 14’ 9” doors for the hangar homes.

“My partner did a lot of research and really the reason why we chose Schweiss was we liked the way Schweiss doors were made and the look was really beautiful. They were night and day compared to other doors we saw. The doors have lived up to their reputation, we’ve used them a lot for plane rental storage over the years and haven’t had any problems with them at all. The pilots like them because the can get in and out of them quickly. The way we built it, you wouldn’t know it’s a hangar, it’s the biggest structure on the airport and very eye catching, everyone wants to see the model unit. We get nothing but compliments on the Schweiss doors,” commented airpark developer, Michael Mileski.

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